Genuine Gaze

February 23, 2025 9:06 pm

Welcome to Genuine Gaze!



Abeera Marium Siddiqui

Hey there! I'm Abeera - a novice writer with big dreams of inspiring people with my words.

I've been a procrastinator for as long as I can remember, but I somehow manage to pull through at the last minute every time (often thanks to an unhealthy amount of tea and no sleep).

I never thought of myself as a writer until some close friends noticed my talent for storytelling and encouraged me to start sharing my words with the world. Their belief in me inspired me to start taking my writing more seriously.

These days, I find inspiration just by observing the world around me - whether it's listening to friends chat at lunch or laughing at a viral meme. I love writing about everyday moments that are relatable and humorous. My goal is to create content that makes people chuckle but also reflects on life meaningfully.

When I'm not staring hopelessly at a blank Word document for ideas to pop out, I enjoy lazing around in my bed, playing games on my phone, finding things online to order, which I never do, or hanging out with my friends.

Even though I'm still learning, I love the process of taking an idea and turning it into an article or story that resonates with readers. So check out my writing here at GeniuneGaze if you want a good laugh and maybe some food for thought, too! Just know that I take deadlines as suggestions rather than hard rules (oops). But I'll always get there in the end!

Even though I'm still learning, I love the process of taking an idea and turning it into an article or story that resonates with readers. So check out my writing here at GeniuneGaze if you want a good laugh and maybe some food for thought, too! Just know that I take deadlines as suggestions rather than hard rules (oops). But I'll always get there in the end!

Happy Reading! 😊

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Abeera Marium Siddiqui

Abeera Marium Siddiqui

a novice writer with big dreams of inspiring people with my words

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